Kilometer Chart Between our City and The Other Cities
Bursa'ya | 181 Km. | |
İstanbul’a | 425 Km. |
Manisa’ya | 230
Km. |
İzmir’e | 250
Km. |
Ankara’ya | 387
Km. |
Antalya’ya | 340 Km. |
Adana'ya | 656 Km. |
Kilometer Chart Between our City and The Other Countries.
Almanya (Bergkamen) | 2999 Km. |
Hollanda (Amsterdam) | 3082 Km. |
İzmir’e | 250
Km. |
Ankara’ya | 387
Km. |
Antalya’ya | 340 Km. |
Adana'ya | 656 Km. | |
Finlandiya(Helsinki) |
3360 Km. |
Distance of Kutahya to important and big cities is avarage 400 km. At least, you can visit Kutahya Castle, Kossuth Museum, Private Sadık Atakan Tale Museum, Archeology Museum and the historical mosque and Angelikan Church, Frig Caves, Ilıca and Yoncalı Hotsprings, Radar Promenade Place like Karadeniz, Enne Dam National Park, Martry Captain Sekip Efendi Monument in Dumlupınar, where the last dats of the War of Independence took place (Marty standart-bearer Mehmetcik Monument, Dumlupınar Martries Monument), Cavdarhisar Aizoani Ancient City, The First Exchange of the world and dam of the suburb inherited from the Roma Empire wile you’re doing interciyt travelling. And also, you can visit small towms, historical houses, waterfalls, natural and artificial lakes, naturel beauties, famous sourcherry and cherry gardens, grape vineyards, Private Municipality Museum with the Frig and Byzantium works of Ex-Gediz. In addition to these, you can visit Mountain Murat National Park and Hotspring, the speckled trout pools taking place in the lower part of Mountain Murat, Gediz Ilıca Hotspring, Asmalı Cınar Picnic Place near the river coming from Mountain Murat and Abide Martries Monument of new Gediz. Famous Lake of Kayaköy, Esire Ancient Swimming pool and healing hotsprings of Hamamköy small town with its wooden engraving ornaments and the columbs done to measure the ground level, Ulucamii Koca Seyfullah Mosque done by the asistant master of Mimar Sinan, Koca Seyfullah, Hisarbey Mosque in Simav, Ankyra Ancient Ciyt, Golcuk Lake and Eynal hotsprings, Emet Cevizdere Martries Graveyard and Tiberepolis Ancient City, Tavşanlı with its roadsted chickpea, hotsprings and historical houses, natural and touristic beauties are the some of beauties that worth to be seen
Kutahya, with its small towNs and jeopolitical sivation, is the most appropriate city for the regilion, naturel, historical and hotspring tourism.
Source : Ancient City Information Kutahya Culture and Tourism.
Directory, Tourism Map.
http://www.gedizliler.com/ Internet Site.
Europe-Route Planner Europe E-Map.
Akcaalan Web Site.