Birth Place / Date Kutahya/1972  


Job Director in the Sector of Soil Industry


Education Kütahya Dumlupınar University / Accountacy Department

Eskişehir Anatolian University /   Business Department

Erzurum Atatürk University /  M.Y.O      /  A.Ö.F Photography-Camera


His Art Department  Photography, Oil Point, Ethnographic Art Collection.


Web            My Owm Web Site


E - Mail 


         I started photography, which is my favorite hobby, with the Kodak Pocket Instamatic 80 in Middle School years and continued my photography hobby by switching to an SLR camera with the Olympus OM-10 in 1995.

         Over time, I acquired the necessary equipment for my photography according to my needs.

        Due to my interest in natural and historical places, I photograph every beautiful object in nature and historical structures of documentary nature.

        I have Personal, Group Exhibition and Cinevision shows, and photography collections in Public and Private Institutions.

        I continue to work on oil painting as an amateur.

        In addition to photography, I have a collection of Minerals (Semi-Precious Stones), Stamps, Tiles, Books, Glass Cups, Glass Bottles, Bricks, Roof Tiles, Ethnographic Products and Cameras dating back many years.